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About this report

About the data

The spending figures in this report represent the estimated total value of electronic card spending. No estimates are made for cash sales. Electronic card spending generally represents approximately 80% of all consumer spending.

Figures are derived from the merchants on the Worldline network. This information allows for the quantification of each specific time period, the consumer group and the retail industry reported. A full breakdown of retail industry groupings used in this report can be found in the appendix section at the end of this document.

Exclusions and caveats

No additional allowances or modelling is included in the data. Thereby the figures in this report do not adjust for inflation or any other macro economic activity.

2020 and 2021 exhibited abnormal consumer spending trends due to Covid-19 and the ensuing lockdowns and retail restrictions. Analysis of this period should made with this in mind.

Background and Introduction

  • In April 2022, the Matariki Public Holiday Act 2022 came into effect. The Act established Matariki Observance Day as a public holiday
  • Matariki 2022 was the first Matariki statutory holiday observed. Like Easter, the date of Matariki will change from year to year, but it will always fall in June or July.
  • The Ministry for Culture & Heritage (MCH) commissioned a Marketview study to understand the value and impacts of the Matariki 3-day weekend on consumer spending.
  • Of particular interest to MCH was to understand; any impacts since the public holiday came into effect in 2022 compared to historical periods, how did this public holiday compare to other holiday weekends and to the ‘average weekend’, how was consumer spend distributed over this weekend, and were the results driven by particular store types or consumer groups.
  • With MCH having a vested interest in the arts, culture, built heritage, sport and recreation, the report isolates the trends of these organisations separately in some parts.
  • The following document summarises the analysis of above. MCH were also supplied an accompanying dataset to allow for further internal analysis.

Executive summary

Consumer spending trends show strong results over the Matariki weekend for the Arts & Recreation sector, however this is muted by the size of the overall retail sector, which saw minimal impacts.

Electronic card spending over the 3-day Matariki weekend totalled $606.7m. This was up 2.7% over the 2022 Matariki weekend and up 10.8% on the comparative 2019 weekend. This year’s Matariki weekend had the second highest volume of spending over the last five years, behind 2021 only.

Despite the modest overall growth, spending in the Arts + Recreation sector was strong, up 32.7% from last year and up 61.7% from 2019. This was the largest growth among all reported store types. While the overall volume of spending in this sector is minor compared to the overall retail market (2.8% of the overall retail market), it is likely that the Matariki weekend was a contributing factor in the uptick for this sector.

Other tourism-related store types (accommodation and hospitality) looked to have also benefitted from the public holiday. Spending in this sector up 4.9% over last year and up 20.7% from 2019, both figures higher than the overall retail market.

Big-ticket (including hardware, furniture and more) and core-retail (including clothing, footwear and more) was the one reported store type to record a decrease in spending activity. This is particularly noteworthy as Matariki is not being promoted as a commercial opportunity, in the line with the values associated with the Matariki holiday. These store types (accounting for 25.9%) saw a 5.4% drop in spending from last year and a 3.7% drop from 2019.

Further backing this up, total spending over the Matariki weekend was down 9.4% on the average Friday-Sunday throughout the year. However, consistent with the above trends, spending on Arts & Recreation over the Matariki weekend was 23.3% higher than the average.

Continuing this trend, total spending over the Matariki weekend was lower than both Sovereign’s Birthday (-2.3%) and Labour Day (-4.6%) weekends. However, Arts + Recreation spending over Matariki was 21.0% higher than Sovereign’s Birthday and 24.2% higher than Labour Day equivalent weekends. The growth in Arts and Recreation spending over Matariki (32.7%) was also much higher than Sovereign's Birthday (21.7%) and Labour Day (1.0%) experienced.

International cardholders increased their spending over the Matariki weekend by 66.0% from last year, however it should be noted that in 2022 international travel was still somewhat restricted due to post-pandemic policy. Locals and non-locals, which contribute 96.5% of all spending, only exhibited modest growth.

However, when isolating the Arts + Recreation sector, all consumer groups increased their spending more notably. Locals grew their spending by 20.6%, non-locals by 30.6% and internationals by 134.3%.

Arts + Recreation (and other tourism-related store types) spending was less likely to happen on the Sunday, suggesting Matariki-influenced spending in these sectors was more likely to take place over the first two days of the weekend.

Overall the data suggests the Matariki weekend had a strong impact on the Arts + Recreation sector. Spending in this sector was up on all the comparative periods and was shared by all consumer groups. Due to the overall size of the retail market, these positive trends can be masked when observing total retail trends, however shouldn’t be overlooked.

Overall Trends

How does the Matariki weekend compare to the equivalent historic periods?

Chart 1: Total spend over Matariki and comparable weekends. (defined as Friday – Sunday)

Bar graph showing the total consumer spend over Matariki, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Total Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends: Bar chart showing total spend over Matariki public holiday in 2022 and 2023 compared to similar weekends in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Spend increased between 2019 to 2021, with a drop over Matariki 2022, and increase again in 2023 (though not to 2021 spend levels).

Total spend nationwide over the weekend in 2023 was up 2.7% on 2022, the first year of the new holiday, and up 10.8% on the comparable weekend in 2019.

Chart 1: Data

YearTotal Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends

Chart 2a & 2b: Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends. (Industry segments)

Bar graph showing the consumer spend over Matariki in the arts and recreation sector and the tourism sector, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Chart 2a - Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends, arts and recreation services: Bar chart showing spend in Arts and Recreation services has increased overall between 2019 to 2023 for Matariki and comparable weekends. Spend in Arts and Recreation services dropped over 2021 and 2022, but recovered in 2023. Chart 2b - Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends, tourism store types: Bar chart showing spend in Tourism Store Types has increased between 2019 to 2023 for Matariki and comparable weekends. Spend over Matariki 2022 dropped compared to 2021 levels, but recovered for Matariki 2023. 

Matariki weekend in 2023 has seen a recovery in spend in both Arts & Recreation (up 33% on 2022) and Tourism store types (up 5%) compared to a declining trend seen in 2022 in both categories.

Chart 2a: Data

YearSpend over Matariki and comparable weekends: arts and recreation services

Chart 2b: Data

YearSpend over Matariki and comparable weekends: tourism store types

Matariki weekend has provided strong growth in spend for Arts, Recreation and Tourism operators.

Type of spend2023vs. 2022vs. 2019vs average (2019-22)
Arts and Recreation Services$17,172,70032.7%61.7%28.8%
Other Tourism Related$126,674,8924.9%20.7%7.6%
Tourism Store types (subtotal)$143,847,5927.6%24.5%9.8%
Big-ticket & core-retail$157,282,359-5.4%-3.7%-8.9%
Other store types (incl. food/fuel)$305,549,2295.0%13.8%7.9%
Total Retail$606,679,1802.7%10.8%3.4%

Spend over the Matariki weekend in the Arts, Recreation and Other Tourism Related (Accommodation and Hospitality) sectors has outperformed significantly all other store types since inception.

Due to the overall size of the retail industry, the positive impact of above is marginal when analysing the total retail industry.

Comparative public holidays

How does Matariki weekend compare to Sovereign’s Birthday and Labour Day weekends?

Chart 3: Total spend over Matariki and comparative public holiday weekends.

Bar graph showing the consumer spend over Matariki compared to other weekends, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Total Spend over Matariki and comparable public holiday weekends: Bar chart showing total spend over Matariki (or equivalent weekend), Labour Day, and Sovereign's Birthday public holiday periods from 2019 to 2023. Spend over Sovereign's Day has increased each year between 2019 and 2023. Spend for Labour day has also increased between 2019 and 2023, however, this dropped considerably in 2021, but recovered in 2022. Comparing Matariki public holiday periods shows lower spend in 2022 and 2023 for Matariki compared to Sovereign's Day and Labour Day, with spend in 2022 and 2023 lower than comparable weekends in 2021. 

The volume of spending over Matariki weekend was similar to that of both the other comparable weekends. Growth in spending from last year was low for all three weekends.

Chart 3: Data

YearLabour DayMatarikiSovereign's Day

Chart 4: Spend in Arts & Recreation Services over Matariki and comparative public holiday weekends

Bar graph showing the consumer spend over Matariki in the arts and recreation sector, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Spend in Arts and Recreation Services over Matariki and comparative public holiday weekends: Bar chart showing Arts and recreation services spend over Matariki, Labour Day, and Sovereign's Birthday public holiday periods from 2019 to 2023. Arts and recreation spend for Sovereign's Day has increased between 2019 and 2023, with a drop in 2020. Spend for Labour day has also increased between 2019 and 2023, however, this dropped considerably in 2020 to 2021, but recovered in 2022. Arts and recreation spend over the Matariki period has increased between 2019 and 2023, although decreased in 2021 and 2022, recovering in 2023. In 2023, Arts and Recreation spend was higher for Matariki than Labour Day or Sovereign's Birthday weekends.

Spending in Arts & Recreation Services grew strongly over both Matariki and the Sovereign Day weekends.

The overall volume of Arts & Recreation spending over 2023 Matariki was higher than any of the comparative weekends and periods.

Chart 4: Data

YearLabour DayMatarikiSovereign's Day

Matariki weekend has provided strong growth in spend for Arts, Recreation and Tourism operators.

2023 vs 2022 spending volumesMatarikiSoverign DayLabour Day
Arts and Recreation Services32.7%21.7%1.0%
Other Tourism Related4.9%5.0%-0.7%
Tourism Store types (subtotal)7.6%6.5%-0.6%
Big-ticket & core-retail-5.4%0.2%-6.8%
Other store types (incl. food/fuel)5.0%3.6%5.9%
Total retail2.7%3.2%0.5%
2023 distribution of spendingMatarikiSoverign DayLabour Day
Arts and Recreation Services38.0%31.4%30.6%
Other Tourism Related35.0%33.3%31.6%
Tourism Store types (subtotal)35.4%33.1%31.5%
Big-ticket & core-retail29.6%34.8%35.7%
Other store types (incl. food/fuel)33.0%32.6%34.4%
Total retail32.6%33.3%34.1%

The proportion of spend, and actual spend growth in the Arts, Recreation and Tourism Related sectors is significantly higher than the comparative public holiday weekends.

Day of weekend breakdown

On which day of the weekend does most spend occur?

Chart 5: Total Spend by day of weekend over Matariki public holiday and comparable weekends

Bar graph showing the total consumer spend over Matariki, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Total Spend by day of weekend over Matariki public holiday and comparable weekends: Bar chart showing total spend across days of the week for Matariki public holiday period and comparable weekends from 2019 to 2023. There is a consistent trend of highest spend on the Saturday, closely followed by the Friday, with lowest spend on the Sunday. This pattern is maintained for the Matariki 2022 and 2023 periods, however, the spend difference between Fridays and Saturdays is larger for 2021 (indicating lower spend on the Fridays), and even more so for Matariki 2022 and 2023. 

While the Saturday experiences the largest volume of spending, the distribution of spend over the 2023 Matariki weekend saw a slight increase (a shift of c.2%) in Sunday spend at the expense of Friday spend, with Saturday being stable across the 5-year period.

Chart 5: Data


Chart 6: Spend by day of weekend in Arts & Rec Services over Matariki public holiday weekends

Bar graph showing the consumer spend over Matariki in the arts and recreation sector, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Total Spend by day of weekend in Arts and Rec services over Matariki public holiday weekends: Bar chart showing Arts and Recreation spend across days of the week for Matariki public holiday period and comparable weekends from 2019 to 2023. Arts and recreation spend is higher for the Saturday compared to the Friday (and especially the Sunday) for all weekend periods, excluding 2020 where spend on the Friday was highest, and 2021 where Friday and Sunday spend were equivalent. 

The Arts & Recreation Services category has been a star performer each day of the Matariki weekend with spend up strongly each day over 2022; Friday up 37%, Saturday up 34% and Sunday up 25%.

Chart 6: Data


Strong growth for Arts & rec and tourism sectors on Friday 2023 vs 2022. Saturday is the busiest day overall.

2023 vs 2022 spending volumesFridaySaturdaySunday
Arts and Recreation Services36.9%34.1%25.5%
Other Tourism Related7.0%5.9%0.9%
Tourism Store types (subtotal)9.8%8.8%3.3%
Big-ticket & core-retail-3.7%-6.5%-5.9%
Other store types (incl. food/fuel)3.4%5.7%6.1%
Total retail3.0%2.6%2.3%
2023 distribution of spendingFridaySaturdaySunday
Arts and Recreation Services35.0%38.9%26.1%
Other Tourism Related36.4%37.1%26.5%
Tourism Store types (subtotal)36.2%37.4%26.4%
Big-ticket & core-retail32.6%40.4%26.9%
Other store types (incl. food/fuel)33.2%35.8%31.0%
Total retail33.8%37.4%28.9%

The distribution of spend over the 2023 Matariki weekend shows Saturday is the highest spending day in all store types, including in the Arts & Recreation and Tourism Related categories.

Cardholder origin

Are people travelling to spend over Matariki weekend?

Chart 7: Total Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends by origin of cardholder.

Bar graph showing the total consumer spend by cardholder over Matariki, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Total spend over matariki and comparable weekends by origin of cardholder: Bar chart showing total spend over Matariki public holiday in 2022 and 2023 compared to similar weekends in 2019, 2020, and 2021, across local, non-local domestic, and international card holders. Across all years international spend is considerably lower, and non-local (domestic) total spending much higher than local spend. 

International cardholders increased spend over Matariki weekend by 66% in 2023 compared to 2022, driving the overall increase of 2.7%. Spend by non-locals was flat while local spend grew modestly by 2.8 %.

Chart 7: Data


Chart 8: Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends in Arts & Rec by origin of cardholder.

Bar graph showing the consumer spend over Matariki in the arts and recreation sector by cardholder, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends in Arts and Rec by origin of cardholder: Bar chart showing Arts and recreation spend over Matariki public holiday in 2022 and 2023 compared to similar weekends in 2019, 2020, and 2021, across local, non-local domestic, and international card holders. Across all years international cardholder arts and recreation spend is considerably lower, and non-local (domestic) total spending higher, than local spend. 

Chart 8: Data


Spend on Matarki weekend in the Arts & Recreation category grew strongly from all origins, with Internationals up 134%, non-locals up 31% and local spending up 21% on 2022 figures.

2023 vs 2022 spending volumesLocalNon-localInternational
Arts and Recreation Services20.6%30.6%134.3%
Other Tourism Related1.8%%2.6%61.4%
Tourism Store types (subtotal)3.3%5.5%68.5%
Big-ticket & core-retail-2.6%-8.9%50.5%
Other store types (incl. food/fuel)5.0%3.3%76.7%
Total retail2.8%0.1%66.0%
2023 distribution of spendingLocalNon-localInternational
Arts and Recreation Services22.5%69.7%7.8%
Other Tourism Related30.4%62.8%6.8%
Tourism Store types (subtotal)29.5%63.6%6.9%
Big-ticket & core-retail37.1%59.7%3.2%
Other store types (incl. food/fuel)48.3%49.6%2.0%
Total retail40.9%55.6%3.5%

Non-locals spend about twice the amount as non-locals and internationals combined in the Arts & Rec and Tourism Related categories. Nearly 60 % of total spend is from people visiting from outside the district.

Average Weekend Comparison

Spend over Matariki and comparable weekends vs other notable holidays and average weekend spend over the last 5 years.

Chart 9: Total spend over Matariki and comparable weekends vs an “average weekend”.

Bar graph showing the total consumer spend over Matariki and comparable weekends, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Total spend over Matariki and comparable weekends vs an "average weekend": Bar chart showing total spend over Matariki public holiday periods in 2022 and 2023, compared to the average weekend in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Total spend over Matariki 2022 and 2023 is lower compared to the average weekend in 2022 and 2023. 

Spend over Matariki weekend since inception has been lower than the average weekend, which reverses the trend seen in 2020 and 2021, where the comparable weekend spend was higher.

Chart 9: Data

YearMatarikiAverage Weekend

Spend on Matariki weekend since inception has fallen against all average weekend spend comparisons.

Total spending

Matariki 2023 vsAverage weekendAverage weekend without retail eventsAverage weekend Jan to Oct only

Total spend over Matariki weekend since inception lags behind average periods spend, suggesting the holiday is not being promoted or seen as an overtly commercial opportunity for the economy.

Chart 10: Spend in Arts & Rec over Matariki and comparable weekends vs an “average weekend”.

Bar graph showing the consumer spend over Matariki in the arts and recreation sector, there is a box around the  Matariki bars.
Spend in Arts and rec over Matariki and comparable weekends vs an "average weekend": Bar chart showing Arts and recreation spend over Matariki public holiday periods in 2022 and 2023, compared to the average weekend in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Arts and Recreation spend over Matariki 2022 and 2023 is higher compared to the average weekend in 2022 and 2023, however, spend over the Matariki equivalent weekend in 2020 and 2021 was also higher for Arts and Recreation spend, compared to the average weekend in those years. 

Spending in the Arts & Recreation category has performed well since the inception of Matariki, 2023 in particular, where the volume of spending was much higher than the average weekend.

Chart 10: Data

YearMatarikiAverage Weekend

Spend in Arts & Rec on Matariki weekend since inception has increased against all average weekend spend comparisons.

Arts and recreation services

Matariki 2023 vsAverage weekendAverage weekend without retail eventsAverage weekend Jan to Oct only


Store Type Definitions

Store typesANZSIC CodeDescription
Hospitality4511Cafes and Restaurants
 4512Takeaway Food Services
 4513Catering Services
 4520Pubs, Taverns and Bars
 4530Clubs (Hospitality)
Core Retail4251Clothing Retailing
 4252Footwear Retailing
 4253Watch and Jewellery Retailing
 4259Other Personal Accessory Retailing
 9511Hairdressing and Beauty Services
 4241Sport and Camping Equipment Retailing
 4242Entertainment Media Retailing
 4243Toy and Game Retailing
 4244Newspaper and Book Retailing
 4271Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Toiletry Goods Retailing
 4272Stationery Goods Retailing
 4274Flower Retailing
 4279Other Store-Based Retailing n.e.c.
Big-ticket Retail4245Marine Equipment Retailing
 4260Department stores
 4273Antique and Used Goods Retailing
 4211Furniture Retailing
 4212Floor Coverings Retailing
 4213Houseware Retailing
 4214Manchester and Other Textile Goods Retailing
 4221Electrical, Electronic and Gas Appliance Retailing
 4222Computer and Computer Peripheral Retailing
 4229Other Electrical and Electronic Goods Retailing
 4231Hardware and Building Supplies Retailing
 4232Garden Supplies Retailing
Food & Fuel3921Motor Vehicle Parts Retailing
 3922Tyre Retailing
 4000Fuel Retailing

Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance


 4110Supermarket and Grocery Stores
 4121Fresh Meat, Fish and Poultry Retailing
 4122Fruit and Vegetable Retailing
 4123Liquor Retailing
 4129Other Specialised Food Retailing
Art & Recreation Services8910Museum Operation
 8921Zoological and Botanical Gardens Operation
 8922Nature Reserves and Conservation Parks Operation
 9001Performing Arts Operation
 9002Creative Artists, Musicians, Writers and Performers
 9003Performing Arts Venue Operation
 9111Health and Fitness Centres and Gymnasia Operation
 9112Sport and Physical Recreation Clubs and Sports Professionals
 9113Sports and Physical Recreation Venues, Grounds and Facilities Operations
 9114Sports and Physical Recreation Administrative Service
 9121Horse and Dog Racing Administration and Track Operation
 9129Other Horse and Dog Racing Activities
 9131Amusement Parks and Centres Operation
 9139Amusement and Other Recreation Activities n.e.c
 9201Casino Operation
 9202Lottery Operation
 9209Other Gambling Activities
Other Tourism Related GroupingThis grouping is an aggregation of the Accommodation categories listed in the 'Cardholder Origin' section 
Other Consumer Spending



Car Retailing
 3912Motor Cycle Retailing
 3913Trailer and Other Motor Vehicle Retailing
 4320Retail Commission Based Buying and Selling
 4621Interurban and Rural Bus Transport
 4622Urban Bus Transport (Including Tramway)
 4623Taxi and Other Road Transport
 4720Rail Passenger Transport
 4820Water Passenger Transport
 4900Air and Space Transport
 5010Scenic and Sightseeing Transport
 6611Passenger Car Rental and Hiring
 6619Other Motor Vehicle and Transport Equipment Rental and Hiring
 7220Travel Agency and Tour Arrangement Services