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Media release —

On Thursday 27th October 2022 (weather dependent), the damaged Cook Monument at Kōpū Bridge in Thames will be dismantled and put into storage until further notice.

Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, working in consultation with the Thames-Coromandel District Council and Ngāti Marū, has been exploring feasible options for the Monument’s future. As the Cook Monument was significantly damaged beyond repair, options are limited for the remnants of the monument.

Unfortunately, a feasible option for the remains has not yet been identified. This work will continue while the monument is in storage. The Ministry recognises and acknowledges the controversial nature of this monument and its connection to Captain James Cook.

The planned storage of the monument will protect what remains of it from further vandalism, while options are explored for how it can better serve as an educational tool for future generations. It is important that any future options for publicly displaying the monument, or fragments of it, do not cause distress for mana whenua.

As the Monument is currently located on road reserve land, traffic management will be in place on the day of removal.

For more information, please contact [email protected].