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The Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981 (FENPA) restricts the use of wording and emblems associated with the 28th Māori Battalion and the 28th Māori Battalion Association.

In brief:

  • Section 18A of FENPA restricts the commercial use of wording referring to the Māori Battalion or the Māori Battalion Association. Section 18A also restricts the commercial use of Māori Battalion Association emblems.
  • Section 13 of FENPA restricts the use of Māori Battalion emblems.

Use in a commercial context

The intent of section 18A of FENPA is to prevent the unauthorised use of wording and emblems associated with the 28th Māori Battalion and the 28th Māori Battalion Association for commercial gain.

Anyone who wishes to use wording and emblems associated with the 28th Māori Battalion or the 28th Māori Battalion Association in a commercial context must seek the permission of the Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board (the Board).

Applications can be made to the Ministry in the first instance, who will forward them on to the Board. Please provide as much information as possible in support of your application, including:

  • information about you and your organisation, including any connection to the 28th Māori Battalion
  • a complete description of how you intend to use the wording and emblems, including pictures and samples where appropriate
  • what you intend to do with any profits
  • how long you wish to use the wording and emblems for, and
  • whether you have consulted with any other people or parties connected with the 28th Māori Battalion and, if so, whom.

Use in a way that suggests the sanction of the New Zealand Government or New Zealand Defence Force

Section 13 of FENPA covers the use of 28th Māori Battalion emblems (including any representation likely to cause any person to believe that it is a 28th Māori Battalion emblem) in such a way as to imply the sanction, approval, appointment or patronage of the New Zealand Government or New Zealand Defence Force.

Unauthorised use

Unauthorised use of wording and emblems associated with the 28th Māori Battalion and 28th Māori Battalion Association may be an offence under FENPA.

Further information

For further information and guidance on the use of wording and emblems associated with the 28th Māori Battalion, please contact the Ministry by email on [email protected], or by phone on (04) 499-4229.


Section 13 of FENPA (NZ Legislation)

Section 18A of FENPA (NZ Legislation)

28th Māori Battalion website